Sep 26Liked by Shannon Argueta

But even if I cannot become pregnant because I am past that age, I can care about all those women who are of an age who, for whatever reason, don’t want to remain pregnant.

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“For whatever reason” is right. Mind your own business, stop practicing medicine without a license, get the government out of the most personal decision there is!

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Exactly. That’s why it’s states rights. Not the Feds. Yikes. You knew one day after. Florida hasn’t banned abortions. Shut up.

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Roe v. Wade did not give any government to power to manage reproduction. It STOPPED the states from mandating reproduction before fetal viability. States are now taking NEW powers over women, girls and medical practitioners.

Isn’t it ironic that the only “rights” that States seem to want are the ones that let them use people as they see fit, ruin lives and force religion on people in violation of the FIRST Amendment to the US Constitution?

Do you think it bodes well to reclaim a pro-slavery theme that lasted 80 years until it caused a war then was used to enforce racial segregation and stop Black people from voting and is now the siren call of misogynists everywhere?

You have no right to use the government to catalog and control pregnant people. You have no right to send women to surgery and even death because you are pretty sure that’s what your God wants. You have no right to use our law enforcement resources to prosecute rape victims. You have no right to force people to feed their kids less to make room for another hungry one. You have no right to make disabled women bear children that they will be unable to raise so that there are more kids in the foster care and adoption pipeline. You have no right to mandate suffering, permanent physical consequences and poverty as a punishment for sex (whether voluntary or not.).

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And btw,roe v wade was the democrats answer to the final solution to the negro. Ask planned parenthood, created by a black hating eugenesist.

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Mmhmm. Planned Parenthood told you that now, did they? And I can ask them myself, is that right? 😂

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Do you even know who Margaret Sanger was? WTF?

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Seems to me if you can’t,won’t , or don’t want to have children, make sure you don’t make them. It’s not rocket science. Your diatribe is claptrap. The federal government has no business telling a state what’s legal and what isn’t. That’s why they made that pretty fucking clear in 1789. But what do I know. And I’m not sure I have a god, at least not one that tells me what to think. But my brain says using murder to accommodate your need for sex that is so immediate you can’t prevent that baby, is abhorrent. I’m pretty sure there are ways to stop from getting pregnant without too much difficulty if you must fuck like a bunny. And killing a baby inside you after it’s grown and would live outside of you if you didn’t kill it, is murder. Btw, why is it when a pregnant woman is murdered, it counts as a double murder? Because it wasn’t voluntary? You disgust me.

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Toxic masculinity


Probable incel

Anger and shame issues especially re. sex

Low information

Probably smelly and doesn’t shave regularly 🤣

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Happily married to a beautiful rn, love women, and your fucking right I’m masculine. But not toxically so. Real women love real men. Controlling democrat feminist cunts want cucks. You will have no problem finding those. They hang out at roe v wade protests, school board meetings on the side of trans services, and are almost fucking queer. I’d suggest you meet a real man, and maybe, just maybe, you’ll find out what is real in this world. Obviously all you want to do is fuck.

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JD Vance said Trump won’t sign a national abortion ban. Trump says the states should decide. They’re both liars so you can’t really believe anything they say. But, I believe Trump when he brags about ending Roe and says he’s proud to have done it. Trump appointed SC justices to end Roe and ban abortions to curry favor with the forced birthers and get their votes. He’s transactional and doesn’t care about anyone but himself. Trump was found liable for sexual assault (essentially RAPE according to the judge in his case), so he certainly doesn’t care about women. Trump is running for re-election to stay out of prison and grift some more.

Beware of how Republican forced birthers talk about abortion. They tell a lot of lies. When forced birthers are not busy trying to convince us that women with near-death stories are exaggerating (or making it all up), the forced birthers try to convince us it’s all about saving the unborn. I’ll come back to this false claim at the end.

Let’s first look at the latest lie Republicans are telling: JD Vance and others want us to believe they don’t support a national ban. Republican forced birthers claim no state currently has an abortion ban. How can they say they don’t support “bans” when we know what’s happening from the women it’s happening to? Women are suffering and dying when they are denied medical care (an abortion). Clearly, Republicans do NOT care about women or they would fix the mess they’ve created. Instead they are playing word games, that is, they’re redefining the word “ban” — I’ll explain.

When Republicans say they don’t support a national abortion ban, they claim there are exceptions and therefore IT ISN’T A BAN. Except, as we’ve seen almost no one qualifies for the exception — not even the women who have miscarried and have a doomed pregnancy. This is not an accident. It is by design.

The bans with poorly drafted exceptions are written to intimidate doctors and put them in fear of punishment if they dare use their medical training and experience to prevent a woman from suffering or dying needlessly. The doctors know what the women need is an abortion. The law prevents the doctors from giving prompt medical care for fear of legal punishment for providing an abortion. No one would want a law to force doctors to wait until your appendix bursts. Denying a woman an abortion when she needs one is the same as forcing a patient to wait for medical care until their appendix ruptures.

The exceptions don’t use medically recognized terminology, so doctors are in doubt if the exceptions actually apply to the patient in front of them. The complications that can come up in a pregnancy are varied and numerous. Doctors can be forgiven for worrying that they could lose their medical license, incur a $100,000 penalty, or be sent to prison for life if they treat a woman too soon — so the doctors wait to provide health care and the women suffer while their health deteriorates. We hear the stories on how that’s working out for women (not well), so I’ll end with talking about the claim that abortion must be denied to save the unborn.

Republican forced birthers keep promoting themselves as advocates of the unborn and they say they abhor the senseless killing of babies. (A fetus is not a baby. But I digress.) Yet, when a woman has a doomed pregnancy (one where no fetus will survive and may already be indisputably dead — without a heartbeat, without vital organs, without a head, etc.), women ARE STILL DENIED an abortion. To be clear, under the fact pattern I am stating, THERE IS NO UNBORN TO PROTECT and the abortion bans ARE STILL DENYING women an abortion.

To sum up what I’m describing is: there will be no surviving baby born whether or not the woman receives a timely abortion. The law threatens the doctor with punishment, so medical care is withheld, waiting for the woman to get sicker, closer to death so the doctor isn’t punished for providing an abortion.

If she receives an abortion the fetus dies, but the woman suffers less and has a better chance of full recovery.

If she is denied an abortion the fetus dies. They could BOTH DIE. Her death is preventable if the law allows her to receive the medical care (abortion) she needs.

Either way, abortion or no, the fetus dies. Clearly, abortion bans are NOT about protecting the unborn. (It’s a fantasy that a miracle will occur and the baby will be born in the circumstances I’ve described, but they tell this lie to themselves.)

When she is denied a prompt abortion, the risk to the woman is so great she will — at best — suffer needlessly. At worst, she will die. Most pregnant women already have one or more children, so when she dies, her children will be raised without her.

If she is denied an abortion and is “lucky” the woman won’t die, but she may be permanently impaired for the rest of her life; loss of an organ, a limb amputated, brain damage; she may never be able to have more children; it’s a long depressing list of possible impairments which the woman suffers needlessly because the doctors know how to treat her but the law prohibits it. When medical care (an abortion) is delayed or denied she is likely to become seriously ill and near death, so it will take longer for her to recover, she may not fully recover, and her medical bills will be higher. Care in the ICU and lengthy hospital stays don’t come cheap.

It’s mostly white, male Republicans who support forced birth. The amazing thing is they pass abortion bans AFTER taking testimony from medical experts who told them bans would put women at risk — exactly as we are seeing happen — and the Republicans enacted abortion bans anyway. It is cruel and unnecessary to put women at risk this way.

Like Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, I trust women to decide when, and if, they have children. In fact, Democrats want to protect women’s reproductive rights and freedoms for all of us. Republicans’ abortion bans let women suffer and die. I said this before: it’s cruel.

Reproductive health care decisions should be made by women based on accurate advice from her trusted advisors who are qualified medical professionals.

Yes, I am outraged by the cruelty of forcing women to give birth. The question is why isn’t everyone? Gov Walz has it right: if you don’t like what your neighbors are doing, you should mind your own damn business.

Vote Democrats, up and down the ballot. The women whose lives you save may be someone you know or love.

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States and you have zero business here unless we can comment on you request for ED and T meds and any procedures dealing with your genitalia. If you feel entitled to comment on the hundreds of millions of women's personal health procedure, never think you're immune to it.

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For one, my meds you assume I take for my genitalia don’t kill an innocent. Oh wait, clump of cells. My mistake. Second, getting pregnant 99.5 percent of the time can be prevented. Takes two to make a baby. Third, in the cases of rape and incest ( the other.5%) the baby can still be aborted. Fourth, they sell the morning after pill, I’m pretty sure at dollar general for fucks sake. I think they got em at my local hardware store. It’s a fucking non issue you liberal usually fat, usually gay, usually man less women all scream about. Because you need to have so much sex with viable men, you can’t keep your clothes on. And that brings it right back around to the states rights issue. If your state doesn’t permit the killing of your offspring, find one that does. It’s not that difficult. Btw, that isn’t practicing medicine.

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So you’re ok with aborting foetuses conceived through rape/incest but not through consensual sex?

So really, you’re just not ok with women enjoying sex? Abortion is fine as long as the woman was traumatised and violated first?

And are you really suggesting that people in long term relationships should never have sex unless it’s for procreation? What a sad, unfulfilled love life your wife must have.

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And btw, your fucking dog hates you for dressing it like a human.

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Alan, just curious—have you had a vasectomy to prevent accidents?

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😂 🐶🐶🤣

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You aren’t worth wasting time on, honestly. Do you know what a one trick pony is?

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Honestly, if you don’t, maybe this conversation is way beyond you. Go back to school little person.

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Sep 26Liked by Shannon Argueta

If there's a national abortion ban, this could be happening hundreds of times a day across the country. Thousands if not, tens of thousands of women could lose their lives in a year in the United States.

Who in their right mind would condone this?

I worked in healthcare and I attended multiple high-risk deliveries. It's no laughing matter.

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Enough with the wishy-washy "could" shit. "Will." The correct word here is "will:"

"If there's a national abortion ban, this will be happening hundreds of times a day across the country."

Thousands? Lol. Tens of thousands?

There are roughly 380 million people in the US. Just over 190 million are female-bodied people. Of those, around 70 million are between the ages of 15 and 44 - childbearing age. There are 365 days in a year and 3.5 million babies born a year. Let's ballpark it using Texas' maternal mortality rate, so it's 147 preventable deaths per 100k births a year. That leaves us with over 5k dead women in the first year.

But the thing about pregnancy is that it's not one and done. Three and a half million of the rest of those women and girls get to play Suicide By Baby roulette again next year. And the next year, and the next. I could do the math but I don't have to, to know that pretty much immediately, maternity will go back to being the leading cause of death and half of all female-bodied people will die specifically of maternity before they reach 40.

I don't need to do the math to know that, because that becomes sort of the baseline anywhere men deny women both birth control and abortion. That's what it was in the US and literally everywhere else.

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These pregnancies that need an abortion are not usual.

If exceptions were made for those situations would you support a ban?

If not then you're just using hard cases for elective abortion.

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Texas already has the exception to the ban if the mother’s life is in danger—which you imply is reasonable. We can all see what a clusterf*ck that is and was inevitably going to be. Do you think it’s awesome having a Christofascist government overseeing what should be private medical decisions, while people are on the brink of death? How can a doctor do right by their patient if they’re too afraid of prison (and the death penalty) to perform medically necessary, life-saving abortion care? You may actually be a reasonable person who just wants “to save babies,” but you are impaired by your absolutist thinking (as in: “We must, as a nation, at least have a minimum ban”). On the other hand, maybe you hate women and don’t think they should have jurisdiction over their own bodies, work outside of the home, vote, etc.

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Again for the pro-abortion mass murder supporters.

If incest, rape and danger to the mothers' life were added exceptions would you agree to a national ban on killing babies (human offspring) in the womb?

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Boris, you can’t force your religious beliefs on others. You especially can’t use the government to force your religious beliefs on others—that’s in the constitution! Everyone is entitled to personal autonomy concerning their own bodies, no? Would you appreciate the govmint forcing you to shave, or worse, to register your personal sexual relations (including your porn habits)?

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I would never vote for an abortion ban of any kind. If someone doesn’t want an abortion then DON’T GET ONE!

There’s no need to force everyone else around you not to get one because of whatever fucked up reason you come up with in your twisted head (usually it’s because “religion”).

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So you're pro-abortion.

If you oppose slavery, don't get slaves.

If you oppose drugs being sold to kids, then don't do it.

If you're opposed to rape, then don't do it.

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Of course we’re pro abortion care. Abortion care is part of healthcare; it’s not a dirty word. How is healthcare the same as slavery, rape, and other crimes?

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You never explained your stance on rape and incest exceptions!

Is that murder or not? I'm just DYING to hear your religious logic on the matter!

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Boris! Where did you go?! We were having such a nice conversation about how fucking stupid you are!

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I'll support a ban on abortion when you support a ban on ejaculation

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Are you on drugs?

It's just like saying you'll support a ban on abortion if women never have a period again.

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Right. You gotta problem with that? Don’t have an abortion if you don’t want one but keep your sanctimonious nose out of everyone else’s private medical business

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Selling drugs to children


Domestic abuse

Sexual assault.

Would you regard them as none of your business if all those became legal?

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All of those ARE currently illegal dude. Also no one is trying to make them legal, and you saying that these things are the same as and equal to protecting a woman’s right to choose is some kind of fucked up pretzel brain.

A woman’s body and her choices regarding HER body are NONE OF YOUR BUSINESS! Get a life and stay the fuck away from women weirdo.

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If incest, rape and danger to the mothers' life were added exceptions would you agree to a national ban on killing babies (human offspring) in the womb?

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I'll tell you as soon as you tell me why aborting a fetus conceived through rape or incest is no longer "murder" fuckface.

Is it a "human" or not?

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If you gave a fuck about poor widdle bay-bees, you'd be out there campaigning to stop men from causing pregnancies women neither wanted nor asked for.

You can drop all this happy horse-shit about giving fucks. We all know the only reason you care is because you deeply enjoy the idea of forcing things into women's bodies we didn't want there.

Every one of you anti-choice (pro-rape) men is exactly the same: a rapist.

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I'm glad you admit they are babies.

Well done.

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Oh look, you failed to address the points.

I’ve pushed out two babies, stupid. Tell us more about your ignorance. You’re definitely as unique as you feel.


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What a moron!

Did you copy paste that muck from elsewhere!

I doubt that bile came so fast.

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No, I’m just exponentially more intelligent than you and I know every aspect of every stupid piece of bullshit you’re going to vomit out your asshole into our faces by heart, which makes shutting you and every other male who’s exactly like you (indistinguishable, really, you’re not individuals, I’d say you’re ants but all ants are female) very quick work.

If you’re truly incapable of being right about any of this, rapist, could you at least try to be wrong in some unique fashion?

Also, I type very, very fast.

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Talk fast because you haven't had time to examine the facts, you mean, lots of indoctrination and little knowledge of basic common sense.

If you are so intelligent then tell me why abortion is not killing another human being.

What do two humans reproduce?

They have offspring.

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What’s remarkable is that you believe that a pregnancy automatically entitles you to a baby.

Props on the courage to admit you’re a rapist, though.

This is nothing but you to force things into women’s bodies women didn’t want there.

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Sep 27Liked by Shannon Argueta

I'm so sorry you went through this. Also my son was 11lbs 1oz too! The nurses couldn't wait to weigh him.

Women's lives don't matter and these mandates without realistic and appropriate support, medical and otherwise, these new laws are irresponsible, not to mention a violation of women's rights to choose if she will be a mother, for any reason from "I don't wanna" to "death."

I was done having children and had my whole clown car out in 2015 while it was still my choice. I'm old and have 4 kids so they didn't balk. Younger women have to fight for it, even with conditions that make pregnancy a very bad idea. They do it routinely in Germany (and get a week to recover in the hospital, mine was done as outpatient with 4 kids at home).

Fertility is a funny thing. My first mother in law became pregnant in her 50s, her doctor would not let her carry another child to term at that age for her safety. Pretty standard to protect the health of the woman clear into the 70s and 80s. Many women will die from complications in childbirth (I hemorrhaged with my first) because we have the worst maternal mortality rates of any industrialized country.

They want all of these babies, but who will take care of them when the goal is "make more" not "preserve the brood mare?" Children have better things to do than raise their siblings.

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I agree. The maternal mortality rate in our country is absolutely appalling!

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Nothing like having the GOP trying to kill you.

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Sep 30Liked by Shannon Argueta

Wow. This entire thread got ugly real fast. Pregnancy is a risk. Always. Miscarriages happen, condoms fail, birth control fails, vasectomies and tubals fail. Sex isn’t always consensual - or between a loving couple. Unfortunately, women bear the burden of the major risk and the unfortunate societal consequences. Men do get to walk away and not face consequences. There is never a solution to society’s ills.

Also, unfortunately, there are those who judge others and have never walked the path they want to make others walk. For every finger you point at someone else, there are three pointing back at you. I, too, have seen firsthand the pain suffered when a pregnancy doesn’t go as planned. They never do. It’s a biological process and things go wrong quickly or later. No one can foresee what will happen. That’s why a woman’s health concerns are hers. No one else’s.

To the men who are judging the women, where are your recommendations for the male side of this? Are you speaking to castrate rapists, execute men who sexually abuse their female relatives and impregnate them? How about men who commit adultery-does that fall into your self-righteous rant and biblical beliefs? Why are you not speaking out for condom availability and men’s personal responsibility? Do you, as men, have any idea how many men treat women as though we exist solely to sexually serve them? Where are your judgments against that behavior? Until men start to take personal responsibility nothing will change.

Rather than rail against women’s healthcare, why can’t we, as a country, fight to make sure abortion isn’t necessary with available contraception, good sex education, treating each other with respect and accepting “NO.” Better prenatal care, better education systems and better school systems.

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How about child support is outlawed if the father of the child never signed up to be a father/or she denies him contact?

Every child born has a DNA test at birth and the named father given the results?

Or how about fathers are given at least 50% custody of children and if the mother stops access she loses her child support.

Child support across the board in future will be based on the average wage in whatever country the child's parents are from.

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"How about child support is outlawed if the father of the child never signed up to be a father" He should have kept it in his pants. You play, you pay.

"Or how about fathers are given at least 50% custody of children" HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You know who will never go for that? Men. Actually show up and be a father when they didn't want a kid? LOL. Most men can barely do it now when they DO want kids.

"Child support across the board in future will be based on the average wage in whatever country the child's parents are from." Or, instead of this gibberish, 50% of what the father makes. You play, you pay.

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"If you play you pay."

This applies to women too.

Take responsibility for your own actions without killing an innocent.

Speaking for all men are you, or just liberal pro-abortion men like you?

Why should a man pay for a child he never had a choice in?

When abortion is outlawed and women jailed for killing their unborn babies then men should pay child support not before.

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He whipped his dick out? Then he had a choice, fuckface.

Isn't it interesting how you strip men of their agency? Always the victim with you weak MAGA types.

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She dropped her knickers, she had a choice.

She should not kill someone else for lifestyle choices.

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Baby is a legal and medical term and no one is murdering babies. Even Roe said abortions were only permitted until viability. Why can’t you consider *that* the ban with exceptions that you keep harping about?

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"Alaska" not Alastair ....fucking autocorrect

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RvW in a nutshell:

“A person may choose to have an abortion until a fetus becomes viable, based on the right to privacy contained in the Due Process Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. Viability means the ability to live outside the womb, which usually happens between 24 and 28 weeks after conception.”

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Wrong. Try proving that!

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Alastair had abortion till birth under RvW.

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Sorry Alexandra, you are incorrect, the laws across the USA are a mixed bag.

Some states had abortion till birth under RvW.

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Absolute BS. RvW was the law of the land, and as a Fed law, superseded states’ laws. The laws across the US are NOW a mixed bag (is. Chaos) thanks to your orange convict leader. There was *never* an elective abortion at or near 40 weeks gestation. That is a stupid lie that only stupid people believe.

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Let's have abortions for both men and women.

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And you, wtf are you talking about

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Abortions for men and women. They would solve a lot of problems.

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...Equal rights campaign for men.

Women can insist on a condom.

Wear a femidom.

Have an IUD (coil) fitted

Take the pill.

Lie about being on the pill.

Take the after morning pill or not.

Abort the baby or not

Can have the baby adopted officially or not.

...feminists and other liberals

Men keep it on your pants

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Old man yells at clouds

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Abortions for men would solve all this and more.

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If a man has been determined as the father, he should have the right to have a paper abortion?

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Exactly. Mistakes happen, contraception fails or as you said women lie. This is the best solution.

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“…never signed up to be a father…”? The minute he didn’t personally ensure his sperm wouldn’t come into contact with her egg he signed up! 🤣

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My daughter got pregnant at 16 and lost the baby in her 2nd trimester and needed a dnc. Today In Louisiana I would have to traumatize her further and take her out of state. Also, when I was pregnant for her, I had 2 emergency surgery to save her that would not be approved today. To tell me that at 61, that abortion doesn't apply to me is insulting! Vote like you and your child's life depends on it!

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I’m sorry that happened to your daughter but so happy it didn’t happen post-Roe

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Republicans make exceptions for “rape, incest and the life of the mother”. Your circumstances fall under “the life of the mother”.

You potentially would have the testimony of half a dozen health care staff involved in your 2nd pregnancy to back up this assertion that terminating a potential 3rd pregnancy would be necessary to save your life.

I know a woman who had severe - extremely severe - hyperemesis gravidarum during both of her two pregnancies. The second pregnancy was far more severe than the first. The dosage of her anti-emetic meds - the kind chemotherapy patients have to take - was so high that, by the end of her pregnancy, she was mildly hallucinating.

Despite aggressive medical intervention, she was left with damage to her liver and kidneys. Permanent damage. Her liver function and kidney function never returned to normal for very long, because she was physically stressed out from caring for two small children.

Her doctors told her that a 3rd pregnancy would be impossible. She would likely end up needing a liver transplant and/or kidney transplant.

After two much-wanted children, this couple decided their family was complete. The husband chose to have a vasectomy.

Before the procedure, the couple decided to freeze some of the husband’s sperm as an insurance policy, in case some tragedy were to befall either of their children. That way, they might engage a surrogate to carry this potential third child, so their surviving child would always have a sibling. After ten years, they chose to discard the frozen sperm they no longer needed.

Abortion isn’t the solution…and as with every surgical intervention, it has its risks. Resorting to ending the life of a human being in the womb is a failure of responsibility on both adults’ part. It shouldn’t get that far.

Vasectomies are easy, safe and cheap. The solution is to ensure subsequent conceptions never take place. It’s the mature, ethical choice.

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Bless your heart

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Except we're not always talking about "ending the life of a human being", except maybe the mother's without proper care.

Healthcare providers are afraid to do a D&C even in the case of an unalive fetus bc that is also the procedure used in surgical abortion. They wait until the mother's life is truly in grave danger, or she has a miscarriage. Incomplete miscarriages then require a D&C, which can again be a problem. (This is what killed Amber Thurman, her medical abortion was incomplete, requiring a D&C to save her life. Regardless of your opinion of abortion, did she deserve to die?)

"Life of the mother" is problematic bc laws are unclear as to what that means exactly. Some states say that she must be in danger of organ failure or loss of a vital function (what do they consider vital?), which may be too late. She may have multiple organ failure by then. Do they wait until she is at death's door, as has happened, and will continue to happen, with dire consequences?

Criminal penalties exist in some places, for the mother and/or for the providers. Do you think the court will take into consideration the testimony of a provider they deem a criminal?

Additionally, the christofascists will not take the word of doctors that say she would die by pregnancy if she got pregnant again. That is simply "their opinion". Preventative abortion is not a thing in their world.

There are still major discrepancies wrt heathcare in marginalized communities. POC and the impoverished will disproportionately be affected. The rich extremists running the party do not care.

You can bet those politicians would not be affected. Multiple who appear staunchly anti-abortion in public have been found to have paid for and/or urged their partners to have abortions when it was convenient for them. There is even one whose ex-wife had 2 abortions while they were married! I refuse to call them pro-life bc they appear to be very selective about whose life they are "pro".

This unfortunately also affects women who are not/cannot get pregnant. Women's healthcare "deserts" are coming into existence bc OB/GYNs are leaving. They feel that the state is asking them to break their Hippocratic oaths, and that politicians are making medical decisions. There have been problems with this already.

The republican party leadership has been co-opted by wealthy extremists. They do not care about us. They care only for their wealth, and want only to increase it, even at the expense of others. We will continue to move toward a totalitarian plutocracy, and away from a democratic republic.

I respect your opinion of abortion. I would fight to defend you if need be. However, I believe it is unconscionable for our leadership to push their extremist agenda at the expense of anyone's life.

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So much talk about ending unwanted pregnancies through abortion.

As if that’s the only option a sexually active person has.

There’s little to no discussion about vasectomies, and making use of multiple forms of birth control.

If you take your fertility and the possibility of accidental pregnancy very seriously and use several forms of birth control, abortion becomes unthinkable. It’s never regarded as a casual option.

Personal responsibility is rarely if ever part of the discussion, when it should be the CENTRAL issue under discussion.

Never before in history have young men and young women had more control over their fertility and more options to choose from to prevent unwanted pregnancies.

Yet, young women talk of abortion and the extremist politics surrounding it…and little else these days.

While the economy is teetering on the brink of total collapse and the nation is being invaded by tens of millions of illegal aliens, abortion is the sole issue on young women’s political radar.

It’s both macabre and nauseatingly narcissistic.

This is not how responsible adults behave.

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Your comments about personal responsibility and birth control demonstrate that you didn’t even bother to read or that you didn’t comprehend what you were reading. So, engaging with you further is a waste of time.

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Like I said…narcissism.

And since you raised the topic, you did not engage with any of the points I raised, either.

You were expecting it to be a one-way discussion, I presume?

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I'm not talking about unwanted pregnancies. Reading comprehension, how does it work?

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And never had the number of abortions been lower

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Oct 5·edited Oct 5

That is false and misleading information. According to CDC data, the number of abortions has continued to increase.


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Not false! You didn’t even bother to read past the first few paragraphs of the article you attached, lolol!

Look at the *graph* Einstein!

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I did look at the graph. Apparently, you did, too, but you are incapable of understanding its significance. That does not surprise me.

The number of murdered babies back in the 1990s - thirty years ago - doesn’t have much bearing on policy and practices affecting change in abortion rates in the mid-2020s.

The fact remains that the number of abortions is INCREASING in recent years. I infer from these numbers that young women and young men are STILL failing to take control of their fertility to prevent unwanted pregnancies. This is inexcusable.

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"Unalive fetus"

You mean a dead foetus (English spelling) with no chance of ever being born alive because it's already passed away.

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Your rant doesn’t make any sense, so I’m not going to waste time on it.

Also, what makes you believe I’m a man?

And why would you think I wear underwear?

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lol! Your name is literally a brand of underwear 😆

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Those are capital letters. Mine are lower case. Thanks for playing though.

Apparently, you’re out of arguments if you have to resort to ad hominem attacks. That’s always a dead giveaway.

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Sorry, I wrote a novel, but I forgot the "rape and incest" exclusions. Ten states have no rape/incest exceptions.

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There will be no ban. Trump has CLEARLY stated he agrees with the Supreme Court that any legislation is up to individual states. Why are you fear mongering? Good grief.

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Bless your heart 🫢

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Right back at you. 💕

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Huh? Idk what planet you're on, but there already are bans. Ten without rape/incest exceptions.

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Wellllll, I don't know what language you speak, but the article is about a FEDERAL ban, which is what I addressed, and which will not happen. Trump has confirmed he supports abortion, but low information voters are riled up by nonsense like this missive all the time. So maybe you need remedial English comprehension classes? They help with the typical public school education you obviously had.....

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Ask any of them this question, they'll all say no.

If incest, rape and danger to the mothers' life were added exceptions would you agree to a national ban on killing babies (human offspring) in the womb?

Hard cases of abortion are just used as excuses for wholesale butchery.

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These women are not interested in Truth. They lie to themselves, putting salve on their guilty consciences by repeating the "glob of cells" nonsense, ("science"!!!) to justify the right to tear their children to pieces inside the womb, where they will never see the pain they inflict or hear screams of agony. Abortion is their mecca and their god - because having a child they "don't want" is "unfair". They champion their own "rights"; ignoring other options such as adoption because it is less convenient; while, without irony, depriving their unborn human children of the same rights; pretending the result of their own procreational action is somehow less than human because that child is defenseless and dependent on them to survive. They have given their souls to the abyss. But....they do have cats. Lots of them.

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It's child sacrifice.

They sacrifice their children for money, a career, to not have to face consequences.

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Why is it ok to abort a foetus conceived through rape/incest but not through consensual sex?

Do you hate the idea of women enjoying sex that much that you’re only ok with them having bodily autonomy as long as they’ve been suitably violated and traumatised first?

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The word foetus in Latin means offspring.

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If an exception was made about rape, incest or sanger to a mother, would you support a ban on abortion?

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No, I would not because I trust women to make the best medical decision for themselves and their situation.

I also realise that someone who doesn’t want to be pregnant will do everything in their power to end that pregnancy, potentially causing irreparable damage or death to themselves or the beloved foetus you’re so obsessed with.

Plus, I firmly believe it’s barbaric to force someone to stay pregnant against their will.

Now that I’ve answered your question…again, do you hate the idea of women enjoying sex that much that you’re only ok with them having bodily autonomy as long as they’ve been suitably violated and traumatised first?

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deletedOct 2
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And I for one, sweetheart, do not post nonsensical BS on social media. Thirty seconds of actual effort on yours, or the author's part, and you both would not look like IDIOTS. AND I AM NOT EVEN A TRUMP FAN!! BUT KEEP SPREADING THE PROPAGANDA, LADIES!! YOU GO, GIRLS!!

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Here's another from three weeks ago....https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna170536. Gotta catch up, girls!

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Pathological liars lie. Trump is a liar. So 🤷🏻‍♀️

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She believes the convicted felon and rapist and the corporate media, so she’s a lost cause. Don’t waste your time

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I’m sorry you don’t understand that the weasel words “minimum national standard” used by politicians are just a more palatable way of saying “ban”.

I’m even more sorry to see a woman supporting restrictions on the reproductive and medical rights of other women. How sad.

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Dream on MAGAt! You believe the lifelong con man and convicted felon? What an utter fool you are. Sad

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Show me where I said I believe the "lifelong con man". I will wait......while I refrain from calling you names you absolutely deserve....by the way, own any cats?

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You talk exactly like orange Hitler; out of both sides of your mouth. Like your fellow MAGAts you’re just a common liar and that makes Jesus sad.

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You getting enough sleep honey? 🥺

Your memory is failing you.

Oh and that *sick burn* about owning cats? I’m simply devastated. Boo hoo 😿 😐

“There will be no ban. Trump has CLEARLY stated he agrees with the Supreme Court that any legislation is up to individual states. Why are you fear mongering? Good grief.”

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Just repeating what he said. You prove nothing. But then again, critical thinking probably isn't your thing.

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I was going to explain why you are wrong and overstating your case. I was going to explain Doctors were making decisions about what was medically necessary, not Republicans. But then after thinking about what it would take to correct all the errors and omissions; and finally recognizing you are likely too stupid to understand; I decided just to block you!

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Can’t you have a tubal ligation and/or your husband have a vasectomy? Then there isn’t the need for an abortion.

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You must have missed the part about the failed tubal.

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You do know that you can have your tubes tied, don't you?

It doesn't always have to come down to a pregnancy and almost losing your life.

I'm going to be honest with you. If women hadn't killed a million babies a year for the last 50 years, states wouldn't be passing these laws. But the problem, as far as we can determine is that PPA is a murder factory. They don't have qualified surgeons performing surgeries that put women's lives in danger.

Stop blaming it on the republicans, when it's not their fault. They are doing what their consitutients want them to do.

Don't blame the supreme court, because they fixed what they themselves broke. If they hadn't made law with RvW, then they wouldn't have to fix it with Dodson.

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That’s a silly question. Did you even read? It’s right there in black and white and you missed it. Also, let’s learn the name of the decisions before talking about them. Thanks for stopping by

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Sep 30Liked by Shannon Argueta

Why are you here?

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You first, stupid. Vasectomies are dressed and closed with a bandaid.

Also, and again, I realize you're stupid, but tubal lligation actually makes it MORE likely a woman who has suffered an ectopic pregnancy in the past will become pregnant with another ectopic after the procedure.

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It’s no problem for them if you and youn husband can never have sex again. After all, that’s the crime for which they believe the death penalty should apply.

You may be married but, if you don’t want or cannot have another kid, it’s abstinence! Enjoy, America! You are gonna ❤️❤️❤️it!

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Then the husband’s eye wanders and the mother and children suffer in a different way.

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Yes, sexuality is the foundation of family! Imagine that! Mothers have never been virgins, nor have fathers.

When I had cancer, I found comfort and stress relief in the arms of my husband but a pregnancy during chemo would have been a disaster that would have required an abortion. Republicans would have preferred that I got a divorce before my hair grew back because my bed had gone cold. What assholes!

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Seriously? A republican said that to you?

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When pre-menopausal women are granted informed consent to decide whether to use chemotherapy for cancer, they sign a paper that says that they will use 2 forms of birth control during treatment and will have an abortion if their contraception fails. I’d bet that doesn’t apply anymore in the misogynist states.

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All men have to do is ejaculate responsibly.

That's it. Just stop ejaculating in the ONE PLACE that results in pregnancy when you do, fellas, and you will instantly end abortions of unwanted pregnancies.

Because you'll stop causing them.

Any man who disagrees with this or fails to do it in his actual life is a rapist and an abuser who's doing this on purpose with the intention of forcing pregnancies onto women against our wills and without our consent.

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All you women need to do you stop over 99% of abortions is keep your legs closed.

Amazing eh!

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Or keep it in your pants. And stop raping.

Let me know when you want to put as much effort into holding rapists accountable as you do women having sex, fucko.

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Trump gave you high blood pressure?

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Why doesn’t your husband get a vasectomy? No drugs for you, no chance of a baby. Why do you have to sacrifice your body? Why does he skip away?

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I never heard that expression “suicide by baby” however it really drives the point home. That’s what it’s called if it was your decision to get pregnant. Along those same lines, I believe the expression “murder by pregnancy “ would apply to states that force high risk women to remain pregnant.

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Thanks for sharing your harrowing bio. Let’s hope voters are listening! Be well.

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